Wire & Tube 2020 – International Wire and Tube Trade Fair


Focus :

No. 7 D Zone CMEC 021

Wire & Tube 2020 – International Wire and Tube Trade Fair



Wire and Tube 2020 DatesDec 7th – Dec 11, 2020

Wire and Tube 2020 LocationDüsseldorf, Germany

Wire and Tube 2020 OrganizerMesse Düsseldorf GmbH

International Wire and Tube Trade Fair

The trade fair duo wire and Tube expects in excess of 70,000 visitors from some 130 countries in 2020. Everyone who matters will gather here, and you as a technical buyer should be here, too.

Wire 2020: Think global. Act global.

Meet your business partners at the world’s most important trade fair for the wire and cable industry.
Business is conducted here; valuable contacts are made and cultivated here; and here you will also see the global innovations that everyone will be talking about tomorrow. Those who are of importance, and those who would like to be, are at wire.